
chipped tooth

You all see me as a very smiling type of a guy. But what you don't see when I smile is my teeth. I don't know how it has come to this, but I've got bad teeth. Not to a point where its completely gross, but enough to make multiple visits to the denist, feel like hell. It's probably the soda thats doing it to me. There's nothing else that could possibly cause it. My teeth arent perfect. I try to brush my teeth every night, but theres always that sudden urge to hit the sack asap and sleep. I don't think its laziness that is making me not brush my teeth, because every so often I will and when I do, I'm damn proud of myself.

Strangly enough, how I chipped my tooth was from eating a slice of pizza that me, Nate, Mark and Ryan had last nite. Ordering pizza was one of the things that we did last nite, but playing Perfect Dark was even better. :) The amount of lag the N64 took, nearly destroyed the excitement. But it was fun while it lasted.

April 8th is the date Mark finally turns twenty-one! (hooray!) Now my main concern to this is, attempt to throw a party for him, go bar-hopping with him that weekend or the next weekend, or do something I've yet done myself nor has he, go to Club Vision in Chicago for a night of good music and drinks. ;) I'd imagine that its a 21 and older type of club, but I've yet to find out if it is. I suppose a telephone call to the club would be something I should do sometime.

The good news is that I don't have to do my radio show at 2am this time! It's going to be broadcasted on WRST 90.3 FM at 12am to 2am! I'm pumped! I've found some tracks on Beatport that I plan on playing on the air.

For now I think I'm gonna waste some time and watch a few episodes of Stargate Atlantis! (season 2 bitches! ;P ) Yet I bet they are either finished with Season 3 or close to completion.



I think yesterday has been my worse day ever. I was to schedule for classes that day, but I had no idea what to take. I had gone to a ADHD support group which helped me relate myself to people who have ADHD. Sometimes I wish I could just take a drug that would allow me to focus and concentrate to things that matter most to me, that being my academics.

During group yesterday, it made me realize how my brain actually drives like a motor. I never thought about it before because I never really knew how it felt to have a motor-driven mind. In fact I do drink a lot of caffeine, specifically mountain dew and energy drinks. This caffeine seems to serve as my fuel so that I can do my day to day things.

In group we talked about this thing called, "Hyperfocus."

Hyperfocus describes an intense form of mental concentration or visualization that focuses consciousness on a narrow subject, or beyond objective reality and onto subjective mental planes, daydreams, concepts, fiction, the imagination, and other objects of the mind.

We talked about a few instances of where we can have hyperfocus. For me it almost seems to occur to me when I'm playing World of Warcraft. But maybe thats just the nature of the game, that you play endlessly without evening knowing it. Maybe pending 7 hours to complete a paper and not realizing that you spend that 7 hours is another example of hyperfocus. But I don't think I have experienced 7 hours of studying or writing a paper. When something is due, I seem to wanna compete with my friends. For example, my friends seems to always get their homework done at the last minute and end up receiving a good grade, I try this and end up getting a bad grade.

I've yet to be fully diagnosed with ADHD, which nowadays I feel that this is a major concern in my life right now. Failing my academics is one of my worst fears, because I know I can do it, I just seem to struggle with it. (/cry)

Enough with me yapping I need to finish my list before I head to work in about an hour. I just wanna thank the people who I talked to on the phone or AIM last night. Thanks.



oh my gosh... I schedule for classes tomorrow yet I don't know what to take!!!! )= It's getting late again, and all I hope for is that I wake up to my desirable wake up time. I do not want to be late again!!!

update* I woke up to my desirable time but I still feel tired. :| It was about 12:30am when I went to sleep and woke up at 7:30.

The good news to my night is that I acquired a nice necklace for my little gnome mage! =)

Brooch of Unquenchable Fury
Binds when picked up
+21 Stamina
+19 Intellect
Equip: Improves spell hit rating by 13.
Equip: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 23.
--> Dropped by Moroes
We also did a few attempts on the Big Bad Wolf, otherwise known as the Opera Event. Whats so fun with this fight is that at random you get to be Little Red Riding Hood with a speed increase and you run away from the nasty wolf. You get no armor which makes it easier to die. I've successfully kited the wolf once and then I died shortly after. )= It'll be an interesting fight, but I know our team can do it. We last got it to 5%.


Again I didn't wake up early enough for class. I was a bit late, but the professor didnt seem to care. In fact, I got more sleep than the night before, yet I was still extremely tired. I walked to class like a zombie without realizing that Sam passed by on his moped and honked. Yet it took me a considerable amount of time to realize he had passed by.

If you read the poem from my previous post it was something my counselor gave me yesterday which put into perspective to why I changed my status (on Facebook) to what it said. From the poem I figured out that I was in Chapter III. The counselor recommended that I attend a support group held on campus for my ADHD, which I plan to attend tomorrow. Let's just hope that the group can help out with my current academic struggles. I'm sure it will.

I know this has nothing to do with my current blog post except for the title. But lemme tell you that I found a ripped copy of Reanimation on my laptop. I bet any money I can't find the CD. I enjoyed this album very much and I bet many of you will agree or disagree with me.

I also needed a picture for my post, so I figured why not use the album cover for the music I'm listening to. Also having no camera really blows cause I can't take pictures of my surrounding and random crap that is picture worthy.


a poem


I walk down the street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk
I fall in.
I am lost ... I am helpless.
It isn't my fault.
It takes me forever to find a way out.


I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I pretend I don't see it.
I fall in again.
I can't believe I am in the same place
but, it isn't my fault.
It still takes a long time to get out.


I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I see it is there.
I still fall in ... it's a habit.
my eyes are open
I know where I am.
It is my fault.
I get out immediately.


I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I walk around it.


I walk down another street.

by Portia Nelson

Dimension: WOW

Geez it almost feels like I've been in another dimension. It's just been too different. I haven't updated my blog as much as I wanted to last week and I've noticed that I've been playing way too much WoW. I guess it shows that playing world of warcraft puts you into a different dimension other than the real life. :|

I find that when I play the WoW, it puts the stresses of RL off to the side and allows me to focus on my second life, "Zaurak - 70 Gnome Mage" (although I wish Nicole and Nate would transfer to Eldre'Thalas, but they think PvP is the way to go) But I find that I've been playing way to much. Enough to make me play all night and not wake up at my desirable time. I just hope that my WoW addiction doesn't allow me to forget any bills that I have to pay, which may have an impact on me financially.

On the way back to Oshkosh, I was reading the sunday's newspaper and found some interesting things. Hasbro has annouced that it is relasing a 20-minute verison of it's popular real-estate game, "Monopoly." How the heck can u play a 20 minute monopoly game? From what I remember the best part to playing monopoly was seeing your empire grow and to enhance your business skills. But 20 minutes? The article mentioned that "Monoply Express" allows players to roll the dice, collect properties, earn points and roll for houses and hotels. Bankers will be disappointed, because no money is involved in this version of the game. I honestly don't see how this can be a sell for Monopoly. I'd rather play "Settlers" than this.

Monopoly Express
$12.99, ages 8 and up, 2 to 4 players, scheduled to be available in July 2007

Designed to be played in 20 minutes, Monopoly Express also promises the feel of the original Monopoly game. A press release from Hasbro described the game this way: "Roll the dice to collect the most property. Complete the groups to earn big points, then roll for houses or a hotel. But don't be too greedy or you might go to jail."

It looks like there are at least four different kinds of dice, and there are 11 dice visible in this photo. There's also a score pad, some houses, and the game's travel case. The text on the case reads, "Roll the dice to collect the most property."

I've also read an interesting horoscope, which I do hope comes true. =)

"Don't fret if you haven't been in much of an interesting romantic cycle lately, because Dan Cupid is likely to begin making up for lost time. You may start to see the first signs."

Now isn't that an interesting horoscope. That's staying in my wallet for a bit. ;) Anyways, I'm feeling good now that I blogged (thanks Nicole!)


early morning shifts

Getting up at 3am for work is really rough but I had to. I was scheduled for the last two days to work 4am-12pm. Man o man, that was rough. I don't know how my brother does it but I was tired when I got home. Sleeping the afternoon away was great. ;) But that resulted in less WoW time for myself.

The one thing I dislike about working the morning shifts is the amount of elderly people that are there. I hate to say it, but don't you folks have anything better to do than to catch up on the local Sheboygan gossip? Ugh, and to old folks who needs their cup of java at 53 cents a pop, then fucking say so. And if you want cream or sugar, let me know because chances are that I don't know what the hell you want.

Another habit that the old folks do is to dig in their coin purse for EXACT CHANGE and when they get their exact change they leave it on the counter and just stand there when I'm taking someone else's order.

I lost my train of thought, but I did kick Nicole's ass in Chess! Yet she whipped me and Nate in Word Racer.


late night shift

Last night (4/17) was long shift. I haven't worked third shift in such a long time. But like anything related to work theres a lot of things to vent about. During work I created a list of stuff that I thought was blog worthy because chances are that I'll forget them the next day I wouldn't be able to blog about it.

I'm not gonna into details but lazy co workers really irritate me. When I'm trying to get my stuff done, and I see their zone a mess, it bothers me completely. Grrrrrrr, especially when I "suggest" a sweep should be done and I find out that the broom that I placed in their zone has been sitting there all night! Heck they were complaining about shit not working for them properly and didn't even ASK anyone if they knew how to fix it. /sigh

Last night also marked the date for Saint Patty's day and guess what people were doing that night. Drinking! Of course I have to be working on last night and my older brother, Travis and his finance, Nicole invites me to drink with them. Bleh, now that probably would of been fun.

I've found a few good things about working 3rd shift on the weekends, you totally can have some fun with the drunks! :) Yet when I see a drunk person at the wheel I begin to get frustrated because how the flipping A can they drive like that. A couple of months ago, I worked with a manager who actually phoned the cops on when we saw a drunk person behind the wheel. She'd purposely tell the customer that there is a wait on their food and phone the police with their license plate number. The managers that I worked with last night didn't care too much.


I need some money-honey!

*yawn* (still tired) :( Last night was very interesting. I'm not the usual person who would go have drinks by myself, but I enjoy the company of people when getting drunk. It must of been like 5 times that I walked into the 21+ older bar at Park Central either ordering a shot or a beer. To be honest, I don't like order shots just because I have no clue on what to get. Usually I'll get one but the next time I go drinking, I'll forget. Bleh, let's just say that I had a lot of alone time with myself and mister beer. :) (in a good way and not anything sexual, Nicole!)

During one of my alone times drinking a beer, I was thinking how I should gather up some friends and take a road trip to see an actual DJ perform at an rave. (more like trance or techno!) Hopefully in the future something will be Chicago.

Funny as I say it but I actually got up EARLY, 30 minutess before I usually wake up. I've always been accustomed to snoozing my alarm for a good 25 minutes and then wake up, but that didn't happen today. I was so dedicated to sit down and write this blog entry! :)

This evening I'm going home for a week (spring break) of work, play wow, and more work. It's probably not going to be as fun as everyone else's spring break, but I need some money so I can roll out with the bling-bling. =) (not just bling-bling, but money to pay the bills!)



I was walking to class after work so I could take my last midterm of the semester and realize how stupid people can get sometimes. Is it that hard to push a button that signals the traffic light to "Stop Traffic" which ultimately leads you to a safe journey to the other side? I guess it is for some college students. No matter what situation I'm in, whether its at midnight or noon, I always like pressing the button. :) It gives the pedestrians power over the quicker automobile. Not no more suckers!

(/me pushes button once more... muhahah! except a crash usually doesn't occur, drivers usually speed up to pass the light or drive through the red light anyways.)

My midterms this semester seemed okay (i hope....) but I can't tell how well I did because the results hasn't been posted. I studied for them both, but like every test I take at college, I say to myself, "I wish i could have studied more." But in reality, i don't because it's a lot of information for a 40 -or- 60 multiple choice exam. :|

One of my biggest fears now is dropping out of college and going home for a while. )= I know it's probably easy to study but its difficult to keep my attention towards that subject for hours. Either my mind drifts into something, or I find myself surfing the net like usual.

Today at 3pm, I speak with my counselor for the third time. The last time I spoke with her, I was presented with a two tests to complete with a discussion of the results at our next meeting (today). First test was questions determining what kind and how severe my ADD is. While the second test determines what my anxiety level is. Let's hope that whatever the results are, it'll fix whatever is in me.

I wished my iPod worked again. Now I feel like listening to, "DJ Tiesto - Traffic"


BeatByte Episode #2

Darude - Sandstorm
Brooklyn Bounce - Born to Bounce
Lange feat Skye - Drifting Away
Alex M.O.R.P.H - New Harvest
Ian Van Dahl - Secret Love
Matt Darey - Electro Buzz
Above & Beyond - Can't Sleep
DJ Markski - Dance Floor Killer
Deep Forces - Harder
DJ Kubrik - Endless Progression
Cosmic Fate - Firewire
Ayla - Into the Light
Scooter - Behind the Cow
DJ Tiesto - Tranceport
Markus Schultz - Without you near
The Crystal Method - Acetone
Climax 69 - Ambience
Darude - Next to You
Mindhunters - Eat Dis
Voodoo & Serano - This is Acid
DJ Tiesto - Traffic
Scooter - Nessaja
Basshunter - I'm Your Basscreator

yay for episode 2! :) great music so far! If your reading this, BeatByte airs Sunday mornings from 2am-4am. I take requests! Call (920)424-3113 during that time to request some tunes. :) If I don't have it, I'll record it for next week's show. If you don't feel like calling request your track by our AOL screen name, "wrstradio"


a day of nothing

Okay, I'm going to keep this nice and quick. Well there isn't really much to tell anyways except that all I did today was play world of warcraft.

BeatByte was great. :) I'm getting better at running my own show. Of course Nicole was there to help out and co-host. ;) I'll post the playlist another time.

For now I'm gonna keep my promise and let this post be as short as possible. Good Night. (=


drunkin monkey

Cooking spaghetti wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. In fact it was very easy with a few tips from my roommates. I made enough spaghetti to leave me with enough leftovers for tonight.

I was left in a state of confusion last night as to what I should do yesterday. My options were simple but the decision was confusing. It was either, go to club underground with some friends and dance, (which I did last week at club underground) go to a Matthew Party with some folks at TCF, watch a movie with Ryan, (cause I know he didn't wanna go dancing and had nothing else to do) go drinking with Nicole, Nate and Mark, hangout with Jason or play WoW. Gee golly that's a lot of things to pick and do for a Friday night.

I ended up drinking to a point where I was drunk. I did my first keg stand with Mark and Andy. :) But I don't have a picture because Nicole left early. I found a random picture of what a keg stand is but sadly it's not me.

It was a fun night and I'll most likely do it again.


in a state of trance.

So I'm suppose to be working an hour ago, but the manager told me that I was schedule for 12pm-1pm. What pissed me off the most was that since the start of the semester my schedule has been tailored to perfection by the other helpdesk manager. So instead of walking back home to where I was just at when I left for work, I end up at a computer lab for the next two hours.

So pretty much I'm here doing nothing but writing my blog and listening to some trance music. Trance music seems to put myself in a state of relaxation. I dunno why, but it's just too comforting. The only downfall to using a computer on campus at noon is the lab starts lag and my trance experience is completely ruined to people who don't know where the stapler or the bathroom is. But the good thing is that Realplayer, (of all the mp3 players academic computing chose) has a feature where you can rewind to what you were listening to 45 minutes ago)
So my trance experience hasn''t been completely ruined.

Ohh that reminds me, this thursday (today... duh!) is Armin Van Burren's show, "A State of Trance" on Digitally Imported Radio (http://www.di.fm) from 1pm-3pm. I dunno if I'll get time to tune in, but I haven't listened to that show since his 250th episode! Maybe I sneak in my headphones at work and listen in for a few! ;)


I Write

I seem to get excited when I put stuff on my blog, only when I'm alone is when I like to write. Especially today when I was putting put the playlist to BeatByte I got a little nervous posting it while I was working. Just recently I was by myself writing before class and the people who sit next to me came and i just slowly slid down my chair trying to cover up what I was writing.

This occurred to me this morning and it's making me feel a wee bit uncomfortable about myself right now. I felt so relaxed in my Psychology class but this Geography class has given me the ickies. )=

The only thing positive I can say about my Geography class is the two people who I sit next to. I never met these people in my entire life, but they seem to be very nice and comforting. I don't know their names personally but as far as I can say, they are the coolest people that I met in a lecture class.

I may or may not drop the class but that is yet to be determined. All i know is that I have 7 days to make this decision. If i do drop the class, I think I might still attend it because of these two people. But I may or may not attend the tests because I wouldn't be enrolled if i drop. Perhaps I could use a fake ID number because the professor doesn't check ID's after the test. That could possibly work.

All this stuff that I'm typing write now has been pre-written. I wrote a lot of this stuff during class, well which is the only thing that I did. I didn't bother to pay attention because I know that the though of dropping the class was in consideration. All I could possibly say was that writing this down was the best thing I could do. I didn't have a working iPod that i could listen too (didn't get enough time to restore it and add some tunes this morning), I didn't bring my laptop because I felt that it wasn't necessary to lug around that much weight for 1 hour of lecture, and I especially don't own a portable game system (such as a Gameboy Advance or a Playstation Portable)

The two people who I had mentioned before about my geography classes, one of them approached me in the most comforting most caring way. She didn't directly point out that i had ADD, she told me how she is a piano teacher and that the kids she teach have some type of ADD. She mentioned that the times we had class she had suspicion that I may have ADD and I seek consuling. I told her that I saw a counselor once and that another meeting was scheduled. She told me thats good and suggested that I also speak to the professor about my current situation. I would if I could though i told her. What I didn't mention was that I was worried. Not worried about anything bad he could say, but worried to a point where I wouldn't know what to say or become very nervous and just forget everything.

Class got out early and I was heading for work. Instead of prompting the lab consultant on duty that my class got out early and asked if he wanted to leave, I kept on walking to wherever the hallway lead me. That hallway lead me to some stairs where on the top was nothing but a window overlooking campus. I stared at it for a while and thought I should finish my current writing or shed a tear. In this case, "I wrote."

I guess this happens when I have no ipod that I can divert my attention to something else instead of the real world. *sniffles*

BeatByte Episode 1 Playlist

Darude - Sandstorm
Basshunter - Professional Party People
Ayla - Sunday
DJ Tiesto - Traffic
Tune Up! - Feel Fine
Scooter - Aii Shot the DJ
Scooter - Behind the Cow
Lords of Acid - Voodoo-U
Pakito - You Wanna Rock
Axel F - Crazy Frog
Crazy Rockers - Dance with my pants
Cascada - Everytime We Touch
DJ Klubbingman - Revolution
Scooter - We are the Greatest
Benny Benassi - Tu Es Fou Tu (remix)
Armin Van Buuren - Communication
Milk Inc - Whisper
Scooter - Does the Fish have Chips?
DJ Tiesto - Adagio for Strings
Scarf - Odysee
Climax 69 - 3 minutes untill noon
Laigi K - Frequency
Benny Benassi - Satisfaction
Darude - Let the Music Take Control
Verano - Popcorn
Basshunter - I'm Your Basscreator

BeatByte airs Sunday mornings from 2am-4pm on 90.3 FM


Picture Perfect?

Well this morning wasn't the very best. It was the second time that my glasses mysteriously vanished when I woke up. No my roommate didn't take them but I finally found them on the floor someplace where I least expect it. The important thing about my glasses is that I need them when I'm at the computer. But should I consider getting contacts? I've always seem to look better without them on and maybe getting contacts is the route to take. The only thing positive about this morning was the amount of sleep I got. Last night, i was beat so instead of playing more world of warcraft or counterstrike, (yes I do play other games besides WoW) i went to bed.

I was going to type out the playlist for BeatByte this afternoon but I forgot to bring the sheet of paper with me to work. )= (me sad) It was a great playlist, maybe sometime when I remember I'll type it out. (= If your interested in my show tune your radio to 90.3 FM, Sunday Mornings from 2AM - 4AM. ( i think i mentioned it before but whatever...)

I really want a camera. The more I think about it the more I want to take pictures of random things, friends, myself, you get the picture. But every time I consider this purchase I have to think of a few things that is holding me back. The amount of debt I've seem to run myself in. I'm not gonna go into details but every time I look at it, it just makes me more depressed about myself financially. )=


Low Battery

I realize how it's important to have a working cell phone over the weekend. This past weekend, my phone barely had enough juice to survive a full conversation with somebody. I was able to make a connection, but for a meaningful conversation... not a chance. Anyways to start the weekend off several friends and I danced the night away at club underground. It was fun when the DJ played tracks that I knew but c'mon there were some songs the DJ played that were I thought were dumb and undanceable in my experience. Nothing really excited happen on Saturday, except for world of warcraft! Gee how I can get so into the game on weekend. I seem to accomplish quite a bit during my adventures into instances and the miraculous battles that are fought over gear that is better than what you have equipped.


Enough WoW talk, that night or the morning of Sunday was my first radio show! Oh was I ever so excited, except that the show was 2am to 4am. The time sure did suck, but It was fun selecting tracks I thought were good for my show. The name of my show is, "BeatByte" and it airs on 90.3 WRST, Sunday Mornings from 2 o'clock in the morning to 4 o'clock. I hope as I acquire more air time with this show, the time will be broadcasted at a different time.

The show had to come to an end, but like any other week, "Beat Byte" will be back, playing more electric (techno/trance/dance/etc..) music to the public.

Overall, the weekend was great. Did some laundry, including something I rarely do after when its done: fold the laundry. I finally cleaned up my part of my room which actually was good. Paul who is going to be our fourth roomate for my upcoming lease stopped by. He came early which I didnt expect. (I was still playing WoW and he came up to my room for a bit and waited till I finished (i'm glad i cleaned up, wouldn't ya agree?)) I showed him a similar apartment to which we were going to move in and I think he was pleased with what he saw. Showed him around town and found him some places to consider applying for (Target, Pick'N'Save; places where I'm almost thinking of applying for another job)

Doing BeatByte with Nicole really made my day yesterday, it makes me confident with my choosing of a Radio/TV/Film major here at oshkosh and some day I may become either a radio DJ, or a television producer. Which reminds me, my professor is making us do an essay on, "What I want to be doing 10 years from now for a career" and "What job will lead me into this." My reaction to this assignment was a simple sigh. (geez not another assignment from him) But the more I thought about it, It's probably for the best. By March 25th he wants us to have 10+ (more the better) names and mailing addresses of people who hold these positions so that we can write letters to these people. Ohh my, how am I going to get 10+ names and addresses of these people? Perhaps he'll tell us of some ways in class sometime soon.

I've spoken too much, time for me to stop.