
Picture Perfect?

Well this morning wasn't the very best. It was the second time that my glasses mysteriously vanished when I woke up. No my roommate didn't take them but I finally found them on the floor someplace where I least expect it. The important thing about my glasses is that I need them when I'm at the computer. But should I consider getting contacts? I've always seem to look better without them on and maybe getting contacts is the route to take. The only thing positive about this morning was the amount of sleep I got. Last night, i was beat so instead of playing more world of warcraft or counterstrike, (yes I do play other games besides WoW) i went to bed.

I was going to type out the playlist for BeatByte this afternoon but I forgot to bring the sheet of paper with me to work. )= (me sad) It was a great playlist, maybe sometime when I remember I'll type it out. (= If your interested in my show tune your radio to 90.3 FM, Sunday Mornings from 2AM - 4AM. ( i think i mentioned it before but whatever...)

I really want a camera. The more I think about it the more I want to take pictures of random things, friends, myself, you get the picture. But every time I consider this purchase I have to think of a few things that is holding me back. The amount of debt I've seem to run myself in. I'm not gonna go into details but every time I look at it, it just makes me more depressed about myself financially. )=