
Le Sigh.

Ohh for the love of Jebus Rice... Gosh damnit! I had such a beautiful blog post explaining my dillema with my decision to whether or not to purchase this Pocket PC.

It was perfect and long, but Blogger must have not saved it. A few minutes before my shift was almost done, I had clicked "Save As Draft" and it looked like everything was saved, but it didn't. Just when the Lab Consultant got there, somehow I just saw all mystuff disappear and it asked me to login into my Google Account. /le sigh

I have no ambition to re-write the post, simply because I have a test at 5 PM and I need to study for it. I had studied last night, by reveiwing and highlighting stuff in the chapters yet I find myself in Radford for a whole THREE HOURS typing like a zombie in the same position. I had music though. I even said to myself that it was getting late because it was either 1 am or 2 pm, yet I still continued because I had to finish my task. Maybe I do "hyperfocus" once in a while, but still that was strange.

Aside from all that, I'm just happy that Joost finally gave me three invites to their "beta" service. I guess all that time watching it Sunday night was worth it.

To quickly sum up in a nutshell of what I was trying to blog about before it got erased, I was debating whether or not this Pocket PC was even worth the Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars. I had pretty much written a story about how I'am doing financially and without it I can't really state how I'm doing it. Your probably thinking to yourself that I may be having a bit of a rough time finanically, But lemme give you one word, "creditcard" (or maybe thats two words)

The only possible way for me to pay for this PocketPC would be to charge it on my credit card. I know, it's probably something I should try and not do, especially since I may be getting a car soon. Well hopefully, but gee golly I hope it'll go through. This summer might be a bit better with it.

I spent half my shift trying to re-write this post by keeping it simple, yet I think I did a good job on writing alot. It's not exactly what I wrote before, but I'm sure you'll get the point.

Yet, everyday I waste by not ordering this Pocket PC, the more time I waste in keeping my life all organized. Maybe I just need to talk to someone about it, but who?