Don't know where to start about last nite, but seeing Snow Patrol live (along with Silversun Pickups and OKGO) at the rave was an unusual experience for me. It was great going with friends but the 2 opening acts whom I had no idea who they were when they played kinda sucked. Guys screaming into the mics is something I don't enjoy to much. I think I was moreintrigued by the ceiling during the two opening acts. There were songs from OKGO that Mark enjoyed, ones that involved alot of energy, which i did with him.
I never knew the songs, Snow Patrol played that night but Chasing Cars was the only one I knew well enough to actually know the lyrics. Any other song was like, "bop my head up and down, the occasional jump and be hyper, and the common "put your hands up in the air". For the record, I did not sing, I screamed more than I sing. I doregret screaming though, but what the hell, it was fun. Maybe next I might wanna go to Club Vision with Mark and Angie.Driving to the concert was more fun than driving home. You have ALOT more energy and enthusiasm when your on route to the concert. Driving home sucked. Everyone had an iPod but me, so I was by myself and the road. It was tough, but two cans of Monster Energy pulled me through it. At first I didnt have the radio on because it was set to only play in the back, and when I did turn on the radio, Nate and Sara would complain how loud it was. I tried to adjust the settings but I didnt know how. Eric was half asleep and I didn't wanna wake him. I hate to say it, but once or twice (i dont remember) i did drift to the right, but thank god Sara mentioned something. (geez, tired timmy with 3 hours of sleep the night before)
Driving home was Looonnnggg..... but we survived. we got back in Oshkosh around 2am and I think everyone went straight to bed. All I hope is that Eric gets enough sleep so that he can make his 11:30 class today. Driving in pitch darkness really sucks. It's almost has if you were driving into space or whatever. It felt weird, but again we made it. One of the converstations me and Eric were talking was about the arena system in WoW. Something i might persue because getting a Karazhan invite for one night out of the whole week is getting depressing, especially when I do signup and I don't get an invite.
Now only if the picture to the right would be a gnome. Gladiator Gear FTW!