
Days till DDay: 20

To my amazement, theres twenty days left in the semester. (starting tommrrow) To some that is a sign of relief but to me it's a sign that I need to get my hamster rolling and start getting shit done.

Tests, quizes, projects... it all has to be done. The one class I'm worried about is Comm229. (Radio/TV News) Theres alot of projects that were assigned and I'm just worried that it'll overwhelm me, god I hope not. Based on what I can remember, theres an Interview paper due, and a few television projects due on the 10th of May.

I get my PDA monday, UPS doesn't deliver on Saturdays. )= All that extra cash for Overnight shipping and it's going to get here Monday. I wonder if I can snag a refund. Probably not.

Scheduling for my LC job is set for Tuesday and I don't even have a full Fall'07 semester schedule set. God I hope I can work out something, maybe retaking classes that I got poor grades in might be best. An attempt to boost my GPA to a point where I can take upper level courses.

Academic Computing is in the process of hiring two new student interns for the summer and upcoming semesters. Thanks to Kristi, (i love you soo much for letting me know this) I may have the chance to become an intern.